8″ KikkoSket Soy Sauce Custom Dunny
Please read through this in full before taking any action. Thank you.
Well, here it is, one a lot of fans/collectors have been waiting for the 8″ KikkoSket Custom Dunny! I have been working on this one for a long time and really wanted to perfect the look and feel of the dunny to represent the condiment as best as possible!
New custom bottle head and body with the actual Kikkoman cap, The head contains an inner resin shape that really conveys the look of the naturally brewed soy sauce.
This is a homage/parody art piece to honor the great soy sauce we all love.
I am putting these up for sale on October 11th at 12AM EST and they will be available till 11:59 PM PST – 24 hours – 1 day ONLY!
After this date, there will be no more orders taken, and this dunny will be gone!
Figure comes signed
A Pair of Wood Chopsticks
A Bamboo Place Matt
A (Resin) Soy Sauce Filled Dish
A (Resin) Stack of Ginger
A (Resin) Stack of Wasabi
These are all hand-crafted and produced here in the states. This is essentially a pre-order please allow 6 to 8 weeks after the order date for delivery (estimated time – beginning of Dec 2013)
All tracking info will be sent.
Thank you!
Sket One return policy:
If for any reason any part of the custom arrives damaged, please contact me within 3 days of the delivery date for repairs and or returns.
Postponing the contact will waive the right of the return and repair and then you will be responsible to go through the proper channels of the post office for reimbursement.
I can’t express how much it is appreciated for the support of my art and endeavors.
Thank you all and hope you all have a great week.
Sket One